Colorbox Examples

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The rise of the byte as an artform

Published: Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Osvaldo Mariscotti's latest solo show entitled "The Language of Color" is now open to the public until November 30th ( However, for the first time ever, the show will will be hosted entirely within a virtual space. As a result, we should stop and consider the role of the byte within the art world.

The technology being used for this specific show was developed in Germany by GRAPHTWERK (, allowing the viewer to explore the exhibition space and interact with the artwork on display. As the viewer moves around the space, the dimensions of the artworks adjust automatically to fit the new point of view.

This project is not to be confused with digital art. Technology can also be used to enhance the more traditional experience of enjoying an artwork in a gallery or museum. However, as time goes by the once clear distinction between physcial and digital will become almost impossible to tell apart.

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