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Published: Friday, 27 September 2013

Contemporary sculpture favors alternative materials over more traditional ones like bronze. The fact that Mariscotti's latest sculpture project is made entirely in bronze clearly has something to do with this current tendency. He deliberately chose this metal, which is perhaps the most traditional sculpting material in history to execute a piece which is everything but traditional. Black Beauty is by all intents and purposes a controversial piece. On the one hand, it appeals to more traditional methods of execution but on the other, shape and color take the piece from that traditional framework into an entirely different plane. Bronze has many qualities that make it suitable for the task at hand. It is very "generous" in the sense that it allows the artist to recreate shapes to perfection. It is resilient to the passage of time, a quality of great value for Art statements, and also triggers reminiscences of beauty. Mariscotti realizes there are valuable lessons to be learned from the past and so he integrates those values in the form of the material of execution. As a result, Black Beauty reacts to a Contemporary Art tendency by bringing forward and repurposing elements from the past.

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