Colorbox Examples

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Published: Friday, 22 February 2013

In order to bring his creations to life, Mariscotti makes use of a technique of chromatic optical mixing known as 'simultaneous contrast' famously used by Robert Delaunay in 1912 seeking to overturn the Cubist hierarchy during that time. "First described in 1839 by the French scientist Michel Eugene Chevreul, simultaneous contrast occurs when two or more contiguous colors of sufficient size and saturation mutually influence the viewer's perception of their chromatic intensity and value. The placement of a patch of red next to a patch of blue, for example, will alter how we see both colors ... With simultaneous contrast, the physiological effects of refracted light on embodied perception are distinctive enough that as Delaunay put it, 'color [no longer] plays a secondary role, like an exterior accessory ... placed on top [of form], like an ornament but not as an essential element'" (Dickerman, 75).

Dickerman, L. (2012) Inventing Abstraction 1910 - 1925: How a radical idea changed Modern Art. New York, NY: The Museum of Modern Art

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