Colorbox Examples

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Published: Monday, 4 February 2013

Studio figurativo portrays the perfect marriage between the abstract and figurative worlds. In the following work we identify two element categories: colored shapes and silhouettes. The "colored shapes", namely in the form of rectangles provide the infrastructure of the work. On the other hand, the "silhouettes" exist within that structure and define the nature of it. They add meaning to the structure, a meaning so crucial that its absence would render the work without purpose. In this particular case, the "silhouettes" represent common elements found in a house, a fact that all of a sudden takes us from the world of ideas, the "abstract" world into the world we live in and understand. We now find ourselves in a world of structure where rules and meaning allow us to make sense from it all. Finally, the work exhibits a quality absent from totally abstract and totally figurative works. In this case, even though we recognize what the elements refer to, they are not in any fixed position. For that matter, it is possible for the work to acquire distinct arrangements based on the particular mindset of the viewer.

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