Colorbox Examples

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Published: Friday, 1 February 2013

Studio del colore is an alternate view of similar works by Mariscotti, such as "Series of Multiples" and "Dark Series". The study is an attempt to combine the emotional charge of a particular moment with artistic elements from Mariscotti's signature style. The work portrays a perfect harmony between primary colors red, yellow and blue, and black. Visually, the main difference we observe between this work and similar ones from Mariscotti's portfolio is the irregularity of the color shapes. Contrary to other works, Studio del colore boasts its lack of outside disruption. Usually, some kind of measuring tool would be used to "perfect" the shapes' edges; however, in this case, the edges were finished by hand. As a result, the artist achieves a more "personal" effect through the "pure" nature of the work.

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